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December 21, 2020

Patrick Tigue

How to Use a Sphygmomanometer the Correct Way

For sufferers of white coat hypertension — a syndrome describing the anxiety that some feel when approached by a medical professional — knowing how to use a sphygmomanometer to properly check blood pressure can mean the difference between life and death. That’s no exaggeration. High blood pressure is what us folks in the medical business call “the silent killer.” Over many years of living with hypertension, pressure on arterial walls can lead to a number of health challenges including heart disease, and possibly an early death. Many sufferers live with the pressure for years without symptoms. For those who live with anxiety and hypertension, managing the anxiety is about as important as managing blood pressure. Visits to the doctor may not be enough, especially if those visits only crank up your anxiety and blood pressure. The good news for anyone who’s recently learned they suffer from high blood pressure is, measuring blood pressure is about as complicated as making popcorn in the microwave… well, almost that easy. There are a few variables to consider when embarking on a plan to measure at home. Should I go digital or use more traditional methods of measurement? What do I need to buy? What data am I measuring? How should I interpret my results? By the end of this blog, complete with step-by-step instructions and a video [at the end], you’ll have everything you need to feel confident you can use a sphygmomanometer to test your own blood pressure. But, first, what is a sphygmomanometer? What's a Sphygmomanometer? You know that inflatable cuff they wrap around your upper arm at the doctor’s office, the one the nurse inflates until it feels numb? That’s one part of a sphygmomanometer. There’s also rubber bulb, the lemon-sized hand pump situated at the end of one tube. Squeezing that bulb inflates the cuff. There will also be a pressure gauge of some sort, manual or digital. A complete set-up will include a stethoscope, and, of course, someone to read the data. That someone could be you so long as you know what you’re doing. Don’t worry. It’s not like operating a tattoo gun. There’s very little chance of doing permanent damage, but if your wellbeing is at stake, it’d be good to get it right as soon as possible. How Does a Sphygmomanometer Work? Sphygmomanometers are pretty useful tools used to measure blood pressure. We all know that as the heart beats, it pumps blood around the body, and the pressure of your blood is an important metric in all kinds of medical check ups. Checking your blood flow, systolic pressure, and diastolic pressure are highly important to your health. Blood pressure cuffs are wrapped around the circumference of the upper arm, targeting the brachial artery, and inflated to well above the expected systolic pressure of the patient—they are then allowed to deflate. Once the cuff pressure matches that of the arterial pressure, blood begins to flow past the cuff, creating audible noise called Korotkoff sounds. These are monitored using a stethoscope, and will continue until the cuff pressure falls below the diastolic blood pressure of the patient. Blood pressure measurements are documented as "systolic over diastolic". An example may be 120 (systolic) over 70 (diastolic). What's Better—Digital or Manual Sphygmomanometers? There are several types of blood pressure monitors on the market, from clinical wall-mount systems to much simpler wrist monitors, with everything in-between. The simplest among them produce digital blood pressure readings, not much different to use than reading a digital watch versus reading a traditional clock or a mercurial thermometer. Omron HEM7130, which features a digital display, is a good example, removing the need for a stethoscope and helping to avoid inaccurate readings. It’s a plug-and-play, portable design, packed with features like storage, body movement detection, and an irregular heartbeat detector. Use is as easy as putting it on, turning it on, and reading the results. I’ll come back to that part in a second. The Reister Big Ben floor model, also known as an aneroid monitor, is closer to what most folks think of when it comes to sphygmomanometers. Units like the Big Ben feature a clock-face style display, but with one hand instead of two, Reading a manual scale versus a digital one takes a little more practice to get an accurate reading, but for tracking trends, an exact reading isn’t super necessary. The Reister sphygmomanometers feature auto-balancing making accurate readings easier. Between the two extreme examples mentioned so far, there are steps in between. Neither is better or worse. A good indicator of which will work better for you is to consider your favourite wristwatch or wall clock. If you don’t mind changing batteries, then go digital. If antiquity is your style, check out the dial-based sphygmomanometers. What Exactly Do I Need to Get Started? Depending on which model you choose, you may not need to buy anything more, as is the case with the Omron model. If the dial-based sphygmomanometer is more your style, plan to pick-up a good stethoscope too. As you’ll learn in the next section, you’ll have to measure heart rate as part of the process. You could purchase the cuff, bulb, air-tubes, and dial separately from the stethoscope or you may consider a nursing student kit like the ACU Student Pack. One thing is for sure, you won’t need a high-end stethoscope like the cardiology stethoscope unless you’re moonlighting as a heart specialist in your free time. An entry level or classic stethoscope will do. Do consider a paediatric version if you’ll be setting up to track a child’s blood pressure. That goes for your blood pressure set-up too. Most ship with multiple sizes of cuffs, the only real variable outside of the stethoscope. How do I Interpret Data from a Sphygmomanometer? This is the most straight-forward part of the process, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. There may be concerning results, making subsequent tests challenging. Since you can stop worrying as easily as you can stop a train, instead redirect the train of your thoughts to something procedural. Do something like make a grocery list in your head. Although opinions vary somewhat, in general, a normal test will read 120/80 (systolic/ diastolic). Readings between 120 and 139 for systolic and 80 to 89 in diastolic indicate possible prehypertension. If your systolic is between 140 and 150, and your diastolic is between 90 and 99, you may have stage I hypertension. Stage II hypertension is when your systolic exceeds 160, with a diastolic over 100. Stage III hypertension is over 180 systolic, and a 110 diastolic or higher. There are many factors that can give you a false reading. Unless it's 180/110, try not to panic over one high reading. Even then, perform at least one retest. If you’ve been engaged in a robust activity, like working out or playing sports, it may be higher. If you’ve been eating salty food, consuming stimulants (coffee, ADD medication), it will be higher than normal. Adjust the cuff and take another reading. If you wait a few hours and it doesn’t come down from a one-off, you may feel more comfortable after contacting a medical professional. Low readings may mean you need to retest, but if they’re accurate, you should only worry if your physician has advised you to do so or if you feel lightheaded. If you’re concerned in any event, don’t be silly. Contact your physician. If you’d like to find out more about sphygmomanometers or explore rest of our equipment, take a look around the Medshop New Zealand store or get in touch with a member of our team today.

November 29, 2020

Patrick Tigue

The Best Alternatives to Latex Gloves

As one of the most frequently used items in the medical industry, the disposable latex glove is an ever-present in doctor’s surgeries and hospital wards across the world. However, for thousands of healthcare professionals and patients alike, these latex gloves are a cause of great discomfort, or at worst life-threatening allergic reactions. Since widespread adoption in the 1960s, people have been searching for the best alternatives to latex gloves, and now in 2019 we are fortunate enough to have a number of excellent alternatives available to us. But, how did latex become so prevalent? And why are so many people allergic to it? Well, the answer to this lies in its origins as a naturally occurring product within rubber trees. The most common rubber tree species, the Hevea Brasiliensis, originated in the Amazon rainforest where it was first cultivated by Europeans for the production of rubber. The British were responsible for transporting the species to South East Asia where today it is grown in enormous quantities. Its durability, elasticity, and malleability ensured naturally occurring latex became widely used in the 18th Century, but it wasn’t until 1964 that it was first used to create disposable medical gloves. Unfortunately, as a naturally occurring product, latex rubber contains sensitising proteins that cause some people to have allergic reactions upon contact. These allergic reactions can range from mild skin irritations to severe anaphylactic shock, which in extreme cases can cause death. As a result, the need for safe alternatives to disposable latex gloves became extremely pressing, and there are now a number of excellent options available on the market. Here at Medshop New Zealand, we take a look at a few of the best alternatives just for you. Low-Protein Latex Gloves For those suffering from very mild allergic reactions to natural latex, a number of manufacturers now produce powder-free, low-protein, latex gloves as an alternative to traditional latex gloves. These benefit from having the same durability, elasticity and flexibility as normal latex gloves, and they are also better for the environment than disposable gloves made from synthetic materials that, in many cases, are not biodegradable. However, with the potential for an allergic reaction still possible, even though it is significantly minimized with reduced-protein natural rubber latex gloves, the best alternatives available are completely latex free. PVC Gloves Polyvinyl Chloride, better known as PVC, is a plastic rather than a rubber, and is therefore completely synthetic—essentially removing the natural proteins entirely. While this means no latex allergies, there are other chemicals used in its production, so it is always best to check first before you use PVC gloves. As an alternative to latex gloves they are cheap, strong (thanks to the thick polymers they are made from) and provide excellent protection from exposure to chemicals and other hazardous liquids. They are, however, far less biodegradable than latex gloves, and when used in the large quantities most hospitals require, they will have a much bigger impact on the environment. Nitrile Gloves Without doubt the best alternative to latex gloves available today, nitrile gloves have become an extremely popular option in many hospitals and surgeries. This synthetic rubber is made from a combination of copolymers, not dissimilar to PVC, that produce an extremely tough and durable material to rival natural latex. Nitrile gloves have excellent protection qualities, especially when handling oil or petroleum-based products, and have even been shown to have lower failure rates than natural latex rubber gloves. You will be able to distinguish Nitrile gloves on the ward as they almost always come in blue or black colours, making it easier to spot punctures or tears. The number of wearers suffering from allergic reactions after using Nitrile gloves is below 1%, and this level of reliability has seen them become the most widespread alternative to latex in the medical industry. The only drawback with Nitrile gloves in their current form is the impact their frequent use has on the environment. Much like PVC, synthetic Nitrile polymers are extremely slow to breakdown naturally. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, with the first biodegradable Nitrile gloves already beginning to hit the market. These gloves do come at a price though, and until they become a little more cost effective, most hospitals won’t be rushing to stock up on them. Until biodegradable Nitrile gloves become widely available, the best alternative to latex gloves remains Nitrile gloves. Prioritising the safety and comfort of healthcare professionals and patients with latex allergies must take precedent to ensure the ongoing provision of top-quality care in New Zealand's healthcare system. Medshop New Zealand stocks a wide variety of Nitrile gloves, as well as traditional latex ones, to meet the needs of all professionals in the medical industry. Discover our range today and browse the rest of our healthcare industry supplies on the Medshop website

October 31, 2020

Patrick Tigue

Pick Carefully – The Best Omron Blood Pressure Monitor

There’s no denying it. We, the Medshop team, love the Omron brand for monitoring blood pressure. It’s their world-renowned reputation, sure, but also the fact that Omron monitors go out into the field and they don’t come back. They’re so popular that we rarely discount them because there’s hardly a need or opportunity to do so. As one of our most popular brands, Omron products fly off the shelves. That’s not a complaint, either. It’s reflective of a world where people need to keep track of this important data. Like it or not, the future for measuring blood pressure seems to be secure. Hypertension continues to adversely many people around the world. Across the globe, raised blood pressure accounts for some 10.4 million deaths per year, and it is estimated that more than 1.39 billion people were suffering from hypertension in 2010. The fact is, today, that figure is likely to be higher. Until we can sort out every cause and strike down hypertension for good, the world need brands like Omron. This is your guide to finding the ideal blood pressure monitor for your needs. What is the best blood pressure monitor to buy? When it comes to picking the right piece of equipment, so long as consumers have done their research, they find their Omron equipment continues to deliver benchmark results use after use, which begs the question, Yeah, but really… which one is the best? We’re getting there. The short answer you already guessed: It depends. In a pinch, anything sporting the Omron brand will do the job, plain and simple. Making the ideal choice for you, whether you are an individual user planning to self-test or a medical professional who needs a unit you can kick down a set of stairs (please don’t do this) and it still works, there are better models. To get to the heart of the answer to this question, we'll compare some of Omron's best to help you narrow your search. But first, what is the accuracy of a blood pressure monitor? What is the accuracy of a BP monitor made by Omron? Is the Omron BP Monitor Accurate? It should seem obvious by their success, Omron makes the most accurate blood pressure monitors in the world. However, this is not all that separates Omron from the rest though. In general, as long as one uses the monitor correctly, blood pressure measuring devices stack up about the same. None of them is absolutely the final word in the body’s fluid pressure levels. First, there are factors which can throw the result, white coat syndrome (elevated blood pressure due to anxiety from medical coats) for one, but there are controllable factors that can affect the outcome too. We're not talking about drinking, smoking, and obesity either. Those are controllable in the big picture, but in the immediate case of using a BP monitor, Omron or otherwise, one must also follow a few simple steps. Use the right-sized cuff. If it’s too small or too big, your results will be inaccurate. Apply the cuff correctly. This means on the skin, not through clothing, and placed in the correct place on the arm. Rest. Sit for about five minutes before the test for better accuracy. Sit. Lying down is too relaxed, but standing up is not relaxed enough. Relax. Speaking of relaxing, there is a balance including your emotional stimulus. Anything that would otherwise make the user emotionally tense, should be avoided. So, don’t talk about stressful matters leading up to the test. Do not consume stimulants before the test, including coffee and certain cold medications. Also, alcohol is going to mess things up. Make sure you’ve emptied your bladder too. Quiet, please. Do not talk during the test, and if you can avoid it, during your resting period before the test. If you spend more time managing these factors, provided your blood pressure testing equipment is well-maintained, the results will be as close to accurate as possible, Omron or not. All that said, Omron should give you fewer malfunction headaches in the long run. That peace of mind contributes to the idea of staying relaxed. A faulty cuff can only drive more hypertension. Which is the best blood pressure machine for home use? No beating around the bush. Let’s get right to the question many readers want answered. Here it is… Most at-home users opt for the HEM7121. It’s Omron’s basic monitor, easy to use, and provided you do all the things listed above, is accurate enough to tell you what you need to know. The reality is, if there is anything wonky going on with increased hypertension or its rare counterpart, hypotension, you’ll know it. No matter what, in a case such as that, you’re going to head to your nearest clinic for more information anyway. Spending more money on a device with more bells and whistles is not going to ensure a better reading, and it’s not going to change your diastolic. If you live with the reality that you may need medical attention for your blood pressure at any time, what you gain from more complicated systems is only that: complications. In fact, for the at-home user, often the less information the better. Don’t take that to mean the 7121 is a slouch by any measure, either. It may be simple to use, and accurate as a heartbeat, but it offers some key information in addition to blood pressure. If you have an irregular ticker, the 7121 will let you know. Also, it stores up to 30 readings so you don’t have to keep track yourself. All of this is easy to read and understand. If you can make popcorn in your microwave, and if you have no special condition other than blood pressure concerns, you can use the 7121. HEM7320 vs HEM7322 Both the HEM7320 (ultra-premium) and the HEM7322 (premium), which we’ll call the 20 and 22 in this blog from here on out to keep the text short, offer everything you’ll find in the 7121. Both provide some upgrades which might be worth your money. In general, you’ll spend another $40-60 for one of these monitors, but you’ll get three times the storage. This is key for users who need to keep track of a longer cycle of measurements. What these two models offer for users who struggle to sit still — for any variety of reasons, medical or otherwise — is body movement detection. If you recall, this is one of the factors you’ll want to avoid when taking your pressure. Some users simply cannot sit still. Detecting those movements can help you get a better reading. For clinics, this may save time, which works out to saving money in the long run. Both can give you an average of the last three readings so long as it’s been fewer than three minutes. Both will light up with an “ok” when you’ve applied the cuff correctly so it’s harder to mess that up. The 20 offers the IntelliWrap cuff, which aids in proper placement. It also offers enhanced IntelliSense technology, which is ideal for users with certain arrhythmia or heart disorders where blood pressure fluctuates. The 20 solves for those conditions. Bottom line: If you don’t suffer arrhythmia or heart disorders where blood pressure fluctuates, go with the HEM7322. For clinics deciding between these two, the HEM7320 will serve more of your patients HEM7280T vs HEM7600T Where the last two devices leave off, these two pick up the ball and bolt on modern Bluetooth connectivity. That advance allows users to connect them to Bluetooth-connected devices, like smartphones and tablets. It also makes it easier to share that data. The most obvious difference between the two is their respective designs. The HEM7600T (7600T) is an arm-based system, unlike any other blood pressure monitor in the Omron line. The display and cuff are one device, making it very compact, very slick, and removes the tubing that can break down over time. The 7600T also offers the most sophisticated wrap assistance, Omron’s IntelliWrap cuff. This slick design and that no-nonsense cuff are the features that push this device over the HEM7280T (7280T) for many individual users. Where the 7280T makes up is when there is more than one user on the device. Sure, the 7600T is sleek, but it only keeps a memory of one user’s data. The 7280T tracks two people. It also has a morning hypertension indicator for people who suffer regular morning hypertension. Bottom line: If you suffer from morning hypertension, go with the HEM7280T. If you don’t and want a no-nonsense design, go with the HEM7600T. Both represent the top level in blood pressure management. Some folks absolutely must be able to take BP measurements in a moment’s notice. There is no other option save round-the-clock nursing care. For some people, the anxiety around wondering about tension levels is enough to drive false positives all day long. Consult with your doctor about whether or not having a blood pressure monitor in the home is for you. Discuss which is the best one for you, and listen to that advice despite our opinion on the matter. Ultimately, your doctor can advise you what’s the best solution for you. For more information on choosing the right medical equipment for your needs, stay tuned to the Medshop New Zealand blog.

August 31, 2020

Alicia Martin

The Best Scrubs for Nurses in New Zealand

The scrubs worn by doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers have a number of important functions. For a start, they help patients and visitors to quickly and easily identify medical professionals. This can be important in hospitals, clinics and other medical settings. Secondly, medical uniforms and scrubs help medical professionals to maintain high levels of hygiene. When doctors and nurses arrive at their place of work, they change out of their everyday clothes and into clean, sterile scrubs. This helps to prevent the transfer of germs and bacteria from the medical professional to their patient. When they head home at the end of the day, doctors and nurses change out of scrubs, leaving any germs or bacteria they’ve picked up during the day at work. Last but not least, scrubs help doctors and nurses to quickly and easily identify bodily fluids they may have come into contact with. This can be important both for hygiene and diagnostic purposes. To help you find the right products for your needs, we’re taking a closer look at what to look for when buying scrubs, and which scrub sets New Zealand hospitals should be stocking up on. The Best Scrub Pants for Women Cherokee Workwear WW210 Scrub Pants Featuring a contemporary, mid-rise waist, straight leg and comfort-fit rib knit waistband, the Cherokee Workwear WW210 Scrub Pants are comfortable and practical. These cargo pants have two cargo pockets, front patch pockets, a pen slot, hidden instrument loop and back pockets. The pants are made from 65% polyester and 35% cotton, this makes them durable and easy to clean. These affordable pants are available in a choice of colours including pewter, navy and black—making them the ideal nursing uniforms whatever colour your hospital chooses. Cherokee Workwear Professionals WW220, Maternity Pants Cherokee Workwear Professionals WW220 scrub pants are designed for pregnant women and so will be comfortable and easy to wear throughout the day. The pants are available in a range of colours including olive green, white, pewter and navy. Offering straight leg and a soft rib panel that gently fits over your growing bump, these pants are designed to support and flatter your current size, meaning there’s no need to size up when ordering. One of the reasons Cherokee pants are some of the most popular medical scrubs New Zealand hospitals use is the usability they offer. The Cherokee Workwear Professionals WW220 pants come complete with two cargo pockets, a cell phone pocket, a back pocket and air vents. This allows doctors and nurses to safely and easily transport their valuables. Best Scrub Pants for Men Cherokee Core Stretch WW200 Scrub Pants The Cherokee Core Stretch WW200 scrub pants are designed to look like smart, tailored fit trousers for every day use. They feature a zip front fly, five belt loops, a back elastic waistband and a functional drawstring. The pants have a stylish tapered leg and are made from 55% cotton, 4% polyester and 3% spandex. Like many of the other Cherokee scrubs New Zealand hospitals use, the Cherokee Core Stretch WW200 scrub pants have an excellent choice of pockets. The pants are fitted with a cargo pocket, two back patch pockets and a cell phone pocket with instrument loop. Cherokee Workwear 4000 Scrub Pants Cherokee Workwear 4000 pants are some of the most affordable medical scrubs New Zealand hospitals use. Their simple, comfortable design ensures the pants look professional and fit well. The pants feature a comfort-fit rib knit waistband reinforced with inside elastic for extra support. The Cherokee Workwear 4000 pants also have a functional zip front fly, four side cargo pockets, two slash pockets and a back patch pocket—perfect for those foldable stethoscopes. The tapered leg design helps the pants to look clean and smart, while the cotton polyester mix ensures they are durable. The Best Scrub Tops For Women Cherokee Workwear Revolution WW610 Scrub Top This flattering scrub top is an excellent choice for doctors and nurses who want to feel comfortable and look good while at work. The mock wrap design of the Cherokee Workwear Revolution WW610 gives the top a clean, contemporary aesthetic, while the polyester, rayon and spandex fabric ensures its hardwearing and practical. Like other hospital scrubs New Zealand medical institutes use, the top offers a number of specialist features. These include an instrument hook, a logo label with bungee loop, patch pockets and side vents. Cherokee Workwear Revolution WW710 Made from 78% polyester, 20% rayon and 2% spandex, the Cherokee Workwear Revolution WW710 scrub top is designed to be tough and long lasting. The top features a classic V-neck design, short sleeves, two pockets and an instrument loop. There is also a logo label with bungee loop and an angled slit pocket. A popular choice for New Zealand scrubs, the top is available in navy, royal and Caribbean blue as well as black, white, teal and pewter. The Best Scrub Tops for Men Cherokee Infinity CK900A Scrubs Top Men's V-Neck Red The Cherokee Infinity CK900A is a high-quality men’s scrub top made from 95% polyester and 5% spandex. The mens V-neck top has an athletic cut and features a grommet detail on the chest pocket, front welt pockets, front and back yokes and stretch rib knit back panels for extra comfort. The stretch poplin fabric makes this top ideal for busy hospital wards, while the triple-needle topstitching ensures the garment is made to last. Cherokee Workwear Revolution WW670 The Cherokee Workwear Professionals WW675 is a great all-round scrub top. Affordable, durable and stylish, it’s suitable for hospitals, clinics and other medical settings. The V-neck top has a chest pocket with instrument loop, a back yoke and side vents. It’s made from 63% polyester, 34% cotton and 3% spandex and has a durable design and high-quality finish. The Best Scrub Jackets Cherokee Workwear Revolution WW310 Women’s Scrubs Jacket Most of the scrubs New Zealand hospitals use are designed to be lightweight and cool. However, in the winter months, and in buildings with climate control, a scrub jacket or long sleeve coat may be required. The Cherokee Workwear Revolution WW310 women’s round-neck scrub jacket is ideal for hospital settings. Featuring a classic fit, snap front, two patch pockets and side vents, it’s a comfortable and practical option for the workplace on those damp Auckland winters. Cherokee Workwear Revolution WW320 Men’s Scrubs Jacket The Cherokee Workwear Revolution WW320 scrub jacket has a chest pocket, two patch pockets, a cell pocket and knit cuffs. There’s also a sleeve pocket with security zip closure and a back locker loop. Made from 78% polyester, 20% rayon and 2% spandex, it’s perfect for busy hospital wards and medical centres. The Best Scrub Hats Cherokee Tooniforms TF506 Scrub hats help to keep hospitals hygienic and hair protected. The Cherokee Tooniforms TF506 features cartoon drawings of Winnie the Pooh. This makes the hat perfect for doctors and nurses working on children’s wards. Explore the Cherokee Tooniforms range for more patterns and designs. Cherokee Scrub Hats 2506 If you prefer your hats more in line with the classic scrubs look, the Cherokee Scrub 2506 range is ideal. Made from 65% polyester and 35% cotton, they’re durable and comfortable. These scrub hats are available in a choice of colours including pink, burgundy and navy—the perfect match your mock wrap top, cargo-pant bottoms, or round-neck jacket. The Best Patterned Scrubs Cherokee Flexibles 2915C Scrubs Top Women's Mock Wrap Knit Midnight Flight Patterned scrubs are a great choice for children’s wards and special occasions. Many of the Christmas scrubs New Zealand hospitals use feature bright, bold patterns and designs. Tops like the Cherokee Flexibles 2915C, which is adorned with images of butterflies, are ideal for cheering patients up during the holiday season. Cherokee Tooniforms Men's V-Neck Scrub Top Aladdin Three Wishes ADTW TF700 Part of the Cherokee Tooniforms range, the Aladdin Three Wishes ADTW TF700 top is perfect for doctors and nurses working on children’s wards. Comfortable, practical and fun, this unisex scrub top will help bring a smile to your patients’ faces. If you’d like to see more of the Christmas scrubs New Zealand hospitals use, explore the other patterned designs in our collection. How to Find the Right Scrubs For You Price Whether it's labcoats or simple nursing uniforms, in most cases, the scrubs New Zealand doctors and nurses wear are bulk ordered by their places of work. Bulk ordering allows hospitals to take advantage of special deals and discounts and can make a significant difference to the price of each unit. For medical professionals buying scrub pants, tops and jackets themselves, quality is key. Doctors and nurses often wear scrubs all day, every day, and so need garments that will withstand busy hospital life. This means that, while price is an important consideration, it’s often worth investing in high-quality materials and well made items. Not only will purpose-designed scrubs look better and last longer, they’ll also be more comfortable to wear. Size Most scrub tops, pants and jackets are available in a selection of sizes—often with unisex options too. Scrub pants usually have a choice of leg lengths while tops are available in sizes ranging from XXS to 5XL. If you’re unsure which size would fit you best, use our online size guide to find the scrubs that are right for you. Helping to keep hospitals hygienic and giving doctors and nurses a professional appearance, scrubs are an essential piece of medical wear. Find out more, and learn about the scrub tops, pants, jackets and hats we offer, by taking a look around the Medshop site today.

August 02, 2020

Alicia Martin

The Best Nurses Watches to Buy in New Zealand

The classic nurses watch has been an integral part of a nurse’s uniform since the early days of the profession—and with good reason. Not only do nurses need to tell the time and keep track of their rounds, including when patients are medicated and fed, but they also serve a host of other useful features such as tracking and recording patient’s vital signs, and allowing the accurate and timely completion of medical documentation. It’s no understatement to say that New Zealand nurses would be lost without a trusty timepiece. However, alongside all the other considerations that go along with nursing, such as what kind of scrubs to wear and when the next hard-earned break is due, taking the time to find the best watch for your needs often falls low on the list of priorities. But don’t worry, here at Medshop we’ve got a whole catalogue of high-quality nurses watches ready for you to strap, clip, or stick on to your body, your uniform and even your professional medical tools and equipment. So, whether you're in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, somewhere deep in the jungle or high up in the mountains, take a look at the best nurses watches in New Zealand so you can be on time, all the time. Read on to learn more about our products and add your favourites to your wishlist today! The Prestige Beverly Premium Watch Premium by name, premium by nature—this classy looking watch from Prestige puts a range of high-class features right on your wrist. This robust timepiece is made for demanding environments while simultaneously being highly elegant with its flat mineral crystal lens, stainless steel case back and buckle, and classic face that’s both simple and stylish. Its no understatement to say that this watch will look as good inside the hospital as is does outside! Featuring a Japan-made quartz movement for high-level accuracy, a dial with applied indexes, step second hands, and an easy-read face, it’s simple to use in the busiest hospitals and won’t let you down when you need it most. A soft silicone band makes the Prestige Beverly Premium Watch both comfortable and easy to wear, while a water-resistant band casing ensures it’s up to the rough and tumble of your average day! You can't go far wrong with this watch, and that's why its one of our favourites! Prestige Glow Lapel Nurse Watch If it’s a classic nurses fob watch you’re looking for, then look no further that the Prestige Glow Lapel. Featuring a luminescent dial wrapped up in a beautiful chrome case, this timeless design is a favourite among nurses everywhere, sporting the traditional upside down face and a stylish pin that securely attaches to your lapel. It's a true classic that has stood the test of time. A Quartz movement keeps your watch accurate, and the water resistant casing offers plenty of protection while at work. However, the luminescent dial is where this nurse’s watch really stands out, allowing you to tell the time and take vitals in poorly lit or darkened rooms. For nurses across New Zealand, this watch is sure to catch the eye and keep you on track in any setting. Prestige Classic Watch Simple, elegant, and highly practical, the Prestige Classic Watch does what it needs to do without creating a fuss. In fact, it’s white leather band, chrome case, and glass lens is the epitome of minimalism, and it allows NZ nurses to easily keep track of time without drawing focus away from the job. Featuring a 24-hour face with step second hands, a highly accurate quartz movement, and a fully water-resistant case, it’s got everything you’d expect from a solid nurse’s wrist watch. Additionally, the easily interchangeable wrist band means you can swap colours as often as you like, or simply replace the band when it's worn out after all those long shifts. Prestige Bel Air Premium Watch The Prestige Bel Air Premium is a beautiful piece of design in its own right, and it’s got plenty of useful features to ensure it makes our list of best watches for nurses in New Zealand. This heavy-duty stainless steel nurse watch, with an etched buckle to match, retains a sophisticated style with the use of four large stone indexes. Step second hands powered by a quartz movement ensure it functions seamlessly as a quality time piece, and thanks to the mineral crystal lens and white face, tracking and recording time is fast and intuitive. Finally, a genuine leather band with nubuck backing provides comfort and durability on those long shifts. Prestige Medical Analog Stethoscope Watch This clever little watch attaches directly to the tubing on your stethoscope or used as a pocket watch, making it an innovative and convenient timepiece that’s perfect for checking vitals. Battery operated and featuring a quartz movement for accurate tracking, the Prestige Medical Analog Watch includes a 24-hour dial with second step hands split into 15 second marked quadrants. Available in two colours (black and galaxy), the case is fully water resistant for any little accidents you might experience and using a simple clip on construction suitable for a wide range of different stethoscopes, this watch is built to last won’t get in your way. Finally, convenient placement ensures it’s comfortable to use and always to hand whenever using your trusty stethoscope. Prestige Student Scrub Watch Despite a propensity for turning up late to class, student nurses and doctors still need a way to tell the time while on placements, in the lab, or simply heading to an exam. The Prestige Student Scrub Watch is the perfect companion for anyone studying professional healthcare or first aid, and at price that even the most cash-strapped student can afford. Available in a variety of colours (black, hot pink, navy, purple, sky, and white), this simple yet functional timepiece features a quartz movement packed into a durable plastic band, case and lens. It shows both standard and military time, and the bold hour, minute, and second hands allow at-a-glance time telling on a busy shift even in low-light environments. Silicone Nurse Fob Watch Rounding off our list of the best nurses watches in New Zealand is another brooch watch that features the traditional upside-down format that nurses love so much. The Silicone Nursing Fob Watch from Medshop is one of the most popular choices for anyone looking for a colourful and convenient option to wear on the lapel of your scrubs, and it’s available in all the colours of the rainbow, plus a few patterns such as candy stripe, leopard, and tropical. Featuring a battery-operated quartz movement encapsulated within an easy-clean silicone casing, the watch is attached easily with a simple brooch pin. Additionally, glow in the dark minute and hour hands ensure you can tell the time and take vitals even in dark or low-light environments. You can view details of our watches here, however, if you would like more information on any of the products on the Medshop New Zealand website, contact a member of our team who will be happy to advise you. Additionally, stay tuned to the Medshop blog for more information and insights into the healthcare profession and the medical sector.

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